YMonday, December 31, 2007
The New Year Is Here Labels: Random Stupidity
What would be able to succinctly describe my feelings regarding the new year?
Perhaps some pictures?
Hmm... Let me see what I can find. Ahh. Here they are.
Happy New Year, sumbitches! RAHHH!
WOOHOO! Yeah baby! Rock on!
While people are out partying and counting backwards tonight, I shall be at home relaxing, awaiting the dawn of a new day.
YThursday, December 27, 2007
I'm A Moron! Labels: Things I've Realised
No matter what the length of the school holiday may be, students will always leave their homework till the very very very VERY end.
It's as if we have this idea in our minds. "Consequences be damned! I'm going to sit here and vegetate, doing nothing at all, even though I'm bored out of my mind and could use this time constructively to do work that I'm not very sure about, brushing up on previous topics, while at the same time learning new ones! FREEDOMMMMM! RAHHHHH!"
Then the day before school reopens, they find themselves rifling through knee-deep piles of paper that have have been covered with a fine layer of dust formed over the 2 months of neglect. At this point, they curse and swear, berating their own foolishness. They raise clenched fists to the sky, knuckles bone-white, nails piercing their own flesh, vowing, to never again, go through this torment and anguish. The following holiday, they promise, will be different.
But they know it will not be so.
Because they are dumb.
A Show Of Gratitude
Thanks Selena for your gay pink sparkly Christmas card.
It arrived two days late. Either that or it arrived 363 days early. Or is that 364? Leap Year.
Oh, you have a weird signature.
YTuesday, December 25, 2007
Cutting It A Bit Close Labels: Musings
I still have an about an hour, so...
Merry Christmas.
It's not very often that you have an excuse to overeat, over-drink, over-indulge, and over-everythingelse. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Perhaps you would like to read what I said about Christmas last year?
I'm a bit of a spoiler.
The thoughts I shared then still apply today. I think. Perhaps I'd better go read them again. Things do change.
Yea, they still do.
YMonday, December 17, 2007
Things I've Realised #1 Labels: Things I've Realised
Because school isn't the only time that you gain knowledge.
I've learned things through observation of my surroundings, research to fulfill my own interest, or even just through living my life. I would consider some of this lessons to be more invaluable than quite a few things that I'm being taught in school.
Anyway, let us begin. We shall delve deep into the unknown, plunge our hands inside, squeeze, fondle, grope, caress, and finally, rip out whatever gem of knowledge we may find within the crevices of my cerebellum.
Here is the Fortune Cookie Of Truth you have uncovered.
Chinese women of my grandmother's generation all have the same hairstyle.
Have you been enlightened?
YMonday, December 3, 2007
Growing Up Labels: Musings
Last week I participated in a CIP at some primary school. I was promised that I would be handsomely rewarded with some words printed on my CCA records, commending me for my supposed service to the community, and that the "job" itself would be quite easy.
It was not easy.
My main task was to facilitate a group of young students around while they played games and took part in various activities. That day, I learned that to facilitate means to lead, cheer on, resolve conflicts, entertain, scold, cajole, and serve. (As in really serve, not leadership serve. Whatever that means.)
Children are fascinating. Not in a complicated or disturbing sense. But in more of a... simple sense. They are such simple creatures. They can experience a myriad of emotions, ranging from anger, to joy, even sadness, and disappointment, all within a few moments of each other. Simple things can trigger their emotions. There was this boy, one moment he was crying, and the next moment his face was lit up by a genuine smile. They experienced delight in eating sandwiches. They seemed to be truly enthusiastic about this treasure hunt game they were playing, as if it were all that mattered. It just seemed to me that they were so set on doing whatever they wanted to, without a care in the world. All the kids were just bursting with energy. Even during break times, when all the facilitators were absolutely exhausted, the kids still brought out all manners of balls (don't think dirty) to their school courts and carried on playing.
I then looked at myself. Oh how things change in such a short time. Here I am, only 17 years young, and I've already lost many of my childhood qualities. I've become exceedingly cynical for someone who is still a teenager. I find myself playing mind games and trying to manipulate people without consciously setting out to do it. I don't find myself all that enthusiastic about anything that I do. I've forgotten how to savour all the simple pleasures in life. In my race to adulthood, I've forgotten to look back from whence I came.
It saddens me to know that those kids I led around that day would soon grow up to be like me. As I reach adulthood, middle-age, and finally my twilight years, I wonder what will become of me.
Sometimes when you help people out, you end up reaping so much more than you sow. All I gave was a dozen or so hours of my time, and I got back an important life lesson.
Oh, to be a kid again.